Mile Markers


Mile Markers are set for 1-mile increments.
Remember 2 per mile per trail for trails that are traveled in Both Directions.

NOTE: To get the correct quantity for both directions, place the same order twice.

Select your TOTAL mileage for the trail in the “Quantity” box.
Ex: If the trial is a total of 5 miles long select a quantity of “4” and miles 1, 2, 3, and 4 will be created for that trail color.


  1. If you only need Mile Markers for one direction select “One Direction (Only)
  2. If you need Mile markers for both directions select “Both Directions” and the quantity will be divided in half. Ex: quantity of 6 would be miles 1,2, & 3 (2 of each marker)

NOT FOR RESALE – for blazing use only

SKU: N/A Category:


Mile Markers can help in responding to an emergency on the trail by knowing which mile a visitor has reached.

NOT FOR RESALE – for blazing use only

Additional information


Black, Blue, Bright Green, Brown, Forest Green, Gold, Grey, Light Blue, Magenta, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Silver, Tan, White, Yellow

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